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We found 22 results matching your criteria.

All oil paintings are painted by hand, come in the stated size, and are usually in stock. Please check availability and current prices by phone (760-632-1999), fax, or email ([email protected]) before ordering. They are generally painted on durable vinyl canvas that can be stretched without distortion or glued to a foam core backing. Every painting is unique but always very similar to the original. A two painting minimum order is required. Our sizes are based on the most common picture frame sizes available at discount frame stores. As all of our oil paintings are painted by a close friend whom Nick has known for many years, we can also accept commissions of your favorite subject. Please inquire.

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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J03 Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $75.00

Reduced price: slightly damaged but it could be easily adjusted once stretched on the frame

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J09 JESUS 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $99.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J17 JESUS CHRIST 24" x 36" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $350.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ with Mountain Top 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J02 Jesus Christ with Mountains 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $450.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J04 Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $450.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J12 JOHN THE BAPTIST 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $560.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
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Angel Oil Painting
OP-19 Angel - 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $588.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J11 JESUS CHRIST 24" X 36" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J13 JESUS CHRIST 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J14 JESUS CHRIST WITH BREAD 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J15 JESUS CHRIST 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J07 JESUS SHEPERD 36" X 48" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $920.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J08 JESUS WITH CHILDREN 36" X 48" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $920.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J10 JESUS CHRIST 24" X 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,200.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Lady Mary 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J21 LADY MARY 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,200.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
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Jesus Christ With Sheep 36" x 48" Original Oil Painting
OP-J01 Jesus Christ 36" x 48" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,600.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J16 JESUS CHRIST 30" X 40" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,600.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J05 JESUS WITH PALM 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,650.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J06 JESUS WITH CHILDREN 36" X 48" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J18 JESUS CHRIST 30" x 40" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J20 JESUS CHRIST 24" x 36" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $1,800.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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Jesus Christ 24" x 30" Original Oil Painting
OP-J19 JESUS CHRIST 20" x 24" Original Oil Painting
Retail Price: $2,000.00

To place an order please phone: +1 (760)-632-1999
Jesus Christ, born to a virgin in a stable. He was visited by three wise kings who traveled many miles to his prophesied birth and offered symbolic gifts of reverence to celebrate the coming of his birth to mankind. Jesus lived a life reflecting a perfect attunement to the divine qualities of love, patience, self-sacrifice, kindness, wisdom, generosity, tolerance and supreme humility so that all sincere seekers of truth could have an example to follow and revere. His Oneness with the wishes of his Heavenly Father understood and fulfilled the supreme act of love and sacrifice by not using his miraculous powers and thereby allowing himself to be captured, tortured, humiliated, and drained of blood in a crucifixion he knew had to be. He did this so that in this vivid example of mans cruelty to man, all mankind that he loved so much could be awakened and inspired to follow his example by study, prayer, and the continual all important joyous practicing in his presence. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Copyright
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