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YA-109-SM 18k Gold Plated Seed of Life Healing Grid
18k Gold Plated Seed of Life Healing Grid

Retail Price: $12.00


Product code: YA-109-SM


Beautiful 18 karat gold plated Seed of Life Sacred Geometry symbol. Size: 2.84 inches in diameter by .02 inches (same thickness as a credit card).

The Seed of Life is at the heart of the Flower of Life. It is believed by some to symbolize the seven days of creation. Seeds are magic, potent vessels of nature. They hold entire intelligent blueprints for life. They can lie dormant for ages before the conditions are ripe for them to burst into life. As a beautiful metaphor for consciousness, a seed represents the divine design within all things. It also is an expression of life force emanating from one cell into many in an intelligent manner. The “Seed of Life” is a contemporary name for an ancient geometric figure. It consists of seven overlapping circles with the same diameter. Six of them are regularly spaced within the seventh, producing a rosette with eighteen lens shaped petals: six smaller ones inside and twelve larger ones outside.

There are many spiritual beliefs and harmonic relationships associated with the Flower of Life. This title is given to a set of geometrical figures composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged to form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry. Having been found in temples from Ancient Egypt, China , India and Europe. Its place in Sacred Geometry has spread beyond single spiritual belief systems into Quantum physics and has a wide respect as a harmonic mandala. Obvious symmetry with the flower of life can be found in the outwardly emanating harmonic waves of atomic matter. The molecular lattice in a crystal and any pure element can have a similar perfect atomic geometry that can match the three dimensional flower of life pattern. Throughout nature one can see similar flower of life patterns from sea shells, pine cones, cacti, flowers and so on. Of particular interest is the amplifying energetic effect of aligned frequency fields that the flower of life represents. When one magnet is joined to another in perfect alignment the singular strength of those two magnets is doubled. When an atom in a crystal aligns geometrically with billions of other atoms a vast flower of life frequency field occurs at the nano level. When two photons align perfectly in a laser beam the amplification occurs without the random loss of energy that an incandescent light has. The flower of life shows a geometrical perfection of expanding energy and thus is respected as a potentially life giving pattern with parallels to the DNA matrix. The vibrating electrons that rotate in a crystals molecular lattice (all electrons spin and are wave forms) create an emanating and or radiating frequency field. This icon reminds one that the understanding of the flower of life patterned quantum field is matter or energy emanating in intelligent directions.

*This design is symmetrical, however, in order to capture the best likeness of the item the photo has been taken at a slight angle.

The Seed of Life is at the heart of the Flower of Life and is considered to have a very deep and sacred meaning. Both patterns can be seen in art and sacred temples around the world.

Also called the Genesis Pattern, some feel that it represents the 7 days of creation. The center circle represents the Creator and the initial creation, next the resonating radiating universal spirit of consciousness made a second circle (which forms another sacred symbol known as the Vesica Pisces), then a third (making the holy trinity) and so on until there were a total of seven circles.

Leonardo da Vinci was intrigued by the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life; both can be seen in his drawings.

The Egg of Life is within the Seed of Life. The Egg of Life is also composed of seven circles and is said to be in the shape of a multicellular embryo in its first hours of creation. This outlook makes the Egg of Life a central part of creation itself.

Some sacred geometry practitioners feel an important point to remember is that these patterns are two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional shapes.

Some believe that Sacred Geometry is the underlying foundation from which the universe and all life were made. When you look deeply, you may see the correlation between certain geometrical patterns and the natural world such as the chambered nautilus, honey combs, certain plants, proportions of the human body, orbits of the planets, the structure of crystals, the atomic structure of chemicals, music, ancient religious symbols and so on. When you look at all of the similarities and think about the ancient origins of the Flower of Life symbol, it is no wonder that there are groups worldwide who meditate upon and feel uplifted by sacred geometry.